Sunday, January 14, 2007

Great reasons to stay in my own company

As the year end bonus been given out, the job hunting season has begun. I already heard 8 peoples tender already, this gonna move the company attrition rate of 66% even higher.

Self help books always encourage people to think like how the successful people think, like, the successful people always thinks the opposite. For example, last time everyone think mountain is a dead place, but a successful people go buy the mountain and build a casino, now so famous already. So in order to pave my way to successfulness, I have to think the other way round. When everyone else in my company wanna leave, I will, THINK THE OPPOSITE! Here are my reasons to stay...

1) Since the day I join, already got more than 4 managers left, plus dunno lost count of colleagues. Now if I just stay another few months I'll be the most senior person in the company, and the manager seat is waiting for me.

2) Why change company when you don't have to? With 66% attrition rate, and growing, in another few months all my colleagues will be new, including my boss, just like jumping to new company...

3) There are lots of benefits being senior in the company, coz the newbies will treat you like king/queen, lots of freebies, you got the final say, and when things went wrong you can blame the poor new guy who knows nothing, how nice...

4) Come on, the asshole colleague/boss gonna leave soon, you don't even have to play politics or complain to the HR to get rid of him/her... No need kutuk people from behind, no karma, guarantee promotion, what a good place to be...

5) Company got 100 people, with 66 of them are new, means got 66 morons for me to use. In the name of "teaching" or "giving opportunity" or "better exposure", people will die just to get a piece of my shit workload.. I just need to sit there and shake leg...

6) There is a new girl, an ex-stewardess just join my team and sitting beside me. The first day she came, whole building’s fire alarm got triggered, that’s how hot she is. Some how I got motivation to go to work every morning already :p

7) Due to "system error", my company just cut 33% of my bonus payout. If I would to leave anytime before they credited the remainder into my account, I'll kiss my 33% bonus goodbye. Moreover, I still haven't get my "Star Performer" award money which they promised to give in Dec. This is so f*cking unbelievable. My company, providing payroll solutions to fortune 500 companies, giving 100% checking and accuracy, is having a "system error" on our own bonus payout. May be they forgot the accuracy, skip the checking and release the payment. Yeah right, that can't even convince a 3 year old that they don't have ulterior motives. Anyway, looks like I have to stay till I get all the money already...

Now I REALLY don't feel like leaving already...

** Latest update : Another 2 manager tendered! That means got total of 10 vacancies. Anyone interested?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

is the ex-stewardess ur gf now?


6:40 PM  
Blogger way said...

hehehe... don't wanna tell u..

6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can i join? wahhahahaa... i think dat will be the motivation for u leave the company =P

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must be buaya-ing the ex-stewardess

10:26 PM  
Blogger way said...

MilkD : hahaha.. u sure u wanna join when everyone leaving ar?

Turtle : No no, I let her buaya-ing me :p

12:38 AM  
Blogger ky_sky said...


11:04 PM  

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